Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Action Research Literature Review - 2754 Words
Executive Summary Action Research believes that Human organizations can only be understood as whole entities (Baskerville, 1999) and that social processes are best to be studied when change is introduced to observe the effects of these. Furthermore, It makes use of a cyclical approach in order for an initial holistic understanding of a social setting. The action research literature has strongly challenged the character of positivism. It is believed that this type of research is derived from a different ontological basis; it tends to a humanistic social practice rather than a traditional natural science. Lewin started with the term ‘action research. His approach to the process is composed of a circle of planning, action and†¦show more content†¦Interpretivism beliefs that the world is socially constructed and subjective, that the observer is part of the what is observed and that science is driven by human interest. Furthermore, interpretivism, like action research, tries to understand what actually is happening by looking at the totality of each situation. Positivism is a research philosophy that involves working with the observable social reality. The emphasis is on highly structured methodology to facilitate replication, and the end product can be law-like generalisations similar to those produced by the physical and natural scientists (Saunders, 2003). The basic beliefs are that the world can be seen as an external and objective object where the observer remains independent. The action research literature has strongly challenged the character of ‘positivist research (Waterman et al, 2001; Hart, 1996; Susman and Evered, 1978). These can be summarised as follows:  § The impossibility of achieving the assumption of objectivity in research findings and outcomes as well as the ability to control a limited number of research variables.  § A critique of the notion of researchers attaining a detached/value free/neutral position and a recognition of the existence of oppressive ideologies and vested interests;  § A questioning of a ‘scientific approach and the features of generalisability,Show MoreRelatedThe Psychological Impact Of Bullying1366 Words  | 6 Pagesneed to find out the cause or causes of the problem before constructing your plan and this is where research comes in. Research conducted to solve issues or problems in schools or educational systems are termed Action Research. After sitting and discussing issues and problems in our education system we decided to tackle the issue of the psychological impact of bullying. 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