Sunday, January 26, 2020
The structure role and relationship between parties in communication
The structure role and relationship between parties in communication Explain the structure, role and relationship between parties in communication industry 1. Identify the different parties and briefly describe their role i.e. the functions of these parties (advertiser, client, ad agency etc.) in the communication industry Centralized This is the structure in which the key decisions are made by the head or top managers. This structure is used in order to have as much control as possible. Organizations with this kind of structure have several layers of management that control the company by maintaining a high level of authority. Staff and employees have limited authority to carry out any decisions without any approval from authority. It has a top-down management style where the top level communicates with the middle managers who further communicate with other staff. This kind of structure usually has decreased span of control. This type of structure is also becoming rare because of its many disadvantages. If the company is too large with such structure then its operations could become less efficient. Also lower level employees can become less motivated. On the other hand it can be advantageous too. It is a good structure for small business also it helps centralized authority may have a better picture of the organiz ation. Source: Decentralized: This structure is the opposite to the centralized structure. This type gives less control to the top managers for the decision making, rather decisions are made at the lower levels in the organizational hierarchy. Usually companies tend to start off centralized and then progress towards decentralized style. Decentralized structure lets everyone participate in the decision making process. It lets employees use their mind, experience and skills to improve inefficient areas without having to wait for any approval. This structure helps to eliminate any unnecessary levels of management and to let first line mangers/staff to have the authority. This increases the span of control and has a botton-up management style. It also lets the higher level managers to concentrate more on important decision and let other decisions be handled by the lower level. The disadvantage can be that managers often lack training and understanding of advertising. Source: Parties In communication Industry: Advertiser (Client) Advertiser is a sender or communicator who develops a marketing program and at the end makes the final decision of that plan. An advertiser can be a person, an organization or company who plans, executes and places advertisement in order to target customers. Their main aim is to promote a product or service. The advertisers need to be prepared for their interaction with an advertising agency, advertising departments or In-house agencies. They need to understand the companies objectives clearly, identify the distribution channels appropriately and manage the budget accordingly. Source: In-house agency In-house agency is an advertising agency in an organization that is set up, owned and operated by the advertiser. Sometimes there are advertising departments too. Instead of outsourcing the advertising to some agency, the ad campaigns are handled by its own in-house agency. This lets a business have more control n its advertising activities, it reduces advertising and promotion costs and is time saving for the advertisers. Source: Advertising Agency This is an outside organization that specializes in advertising development. It provides marketing and promotion services such as planning, preparing and placing of advertisements. Usually big clients use many advertising agencies and because of its continuous growth and use, agencies are becoming partners as well. They provide clients with very skilled, specialized, experienced, expertise services and objective view points because of which it is preferred over in-house agencies. There are different types of services that different agencies provide such as: Full Service Agency: Provides marketing, communication, research, promotion and all other services Account Services : it is the link between the ad agency and the client Marketing Services: provides all marketing services such as marketing research, planning or marketing selection Creative Boutiques: they provide creative services for extra creativity. They emphasize on creative concept development and unique artistic services. Media Buying Services: This is media related and lets a client buy radio and television time. This is quite commonly used these days which offers media strategy consultancy. Media Organizations: these are television, radio, newspapers and etc. It has its own policy that attracts particular customers. Specialized Marketing Communication Services These services include direct marketing agencies, sales promotion agencies, public relations, sampling programs, contest arrangements, interactive agencies for website development and etc. 2. Discuss the relationship between the different parties of the industry Relationship of different parties: Advertiser In-house ad agency: The relationship between an advertiser and in-house agency is that an advertiser is who runs the in-house agency. He is the person in charge of what and how things go around in it. It can sometimes be owned by the advertiser as all. He operates all the operations, handles advertising activities and deals with outside ad agencies if any. Advertising agency Advertiser: In this case the advertiser is the client who outsources its advertising plans to an advertising agency. All the working, planning, preparing, and marketing activities are carried out by the ad agency. They take the responsibility of marketing and promotion services. Also these days they are becoming partners as well with bigger companies in order to be more efficient and productive in their dealing and working. They help advertisers define and refine their marketing strategies. It is important for an advertiser to do all its homework before getting into a relationship with any agency. Media organizations Clients/ad agency: Media organizations are media specialists who help in giving consultation to advertisers or even advertising agencies regarding buying media time and space. Since Media organizations buy media time in large quantities, they can help them to acquire media time at much lower cost than advertisers or ad agencies themselves could have. In-house agency ad agency: Sometimes even in-house agencies acquire help from ad agencies regarding different matters seeking for expertise and specialized help. Outcome 1.2 Identify the trends in advertising and promotion and evaluate (advantages and Disadvantages) of their impact 1. Discuss the current trends in the advertising With the growing competition in the advertising sector and evolution of trends with the passage of time has led advertising agencies to come up with different techniques, other than the traditional tv, radio, newspaper ways, to attract and retain customers. Some of these new trends include:  · Media fragmentation  · Micro-marketing  · Brand proliferation Media fragmentation: Media fragmentation is dividing and increasing the range of media, its choices and consumption in terms of more different channels, mobile, Internet, more websites, radio stations, magazines, satellite tvs and etc. This has given consumers a new set of habits and expectations. Advantages: Since a long time (and even still) cable channels was the only way of distributing video signals on a large scale, which meant small number of channels to large audience. Now the number of different channels as well as satellite tv has reduced this problem. Media fragmentation is just the right thing to divide and target its audience. The web specifically has increasingly divided its audience and has fragmented the media at large. Internet, online ads has played a big role, similarly the radio and mobile networks have helped in delivering their message efficiently as well. Moreover it has given increased consumer control. It has created a lot of opportunities for media buying businesses. This is one of the current trends that helps in reducing the difficulty of reaching its audience Disadvantages: Yet at the same time fragmentation had made it difficult to reach everyone too, because consumers now have a wide range of choice of what to watch, listen and read. It has decreased the attention since there is so much variety therefore media has become less efficient and more complex. Following are some factors related to media fragmentation. Source: Micro Marketing: Micro marketing is basically niche marketing in which the tailoring of products and marketing strategies are made locally within a smaller region. In this type marketing message is made a lot more personally to the buyer. A good example would be of local cable advertisements. Advantages: micro marketing helps in focusing and specializing on a smaller segment from a larger market. Locating a profitable micro niche is important and quite beneficial in terms of less competition. One can specialize on a smaller target. It has become easier to figure out the relevant market segment for a specific product, to keep in contact more often and to become more closely acquainted with a smaller crowd. Disadvantages: Through micro marketing the economies of scale and the sales growth is limited. Since a business focuses on a smaller segment, the survival of the firm may be difficult if the sales begin to drop. It is not very beneficial to larger level firms. Source: Brand Proliferation: When one company introduces and puts new brands under same product lines is called brand proliferation. More items are brought in with new brand names to cover each and very market segment for that product line. Advantages: It helps in expanding a companys market share as well as the market. The basic aim is usually to keep the prime brand intact while competing with the lower brands. It also brings variety to the customers and excitement to the sales team. For example Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic are of same product line but with different brand names and price range. Disadvantages: This sometimes hurts the prime brand sales figures because of higher sales of other brands in same product line. This increases competition in the market as well as among themselves too. Revenue might not increase because of brand proliferation. Source: 2. Identify at least two of the trends in Pakistani market and discuss with examples. Two trends in Pakistan that are very common these days are micro marketing and telecommunication. Telecommunication: We are in an era where globalization and telecommunication is increasing at a fast pace. This is having a great positive effect on the economy of Pakistan. The country now boasts 5 major operators that are Telenor, Mobilink, Ufone, Warid and Zong. This has helped to reduce call charges and improve the quality of service. All of these in competition have offered a lot of different, unique and new innovative value added services such as MMS, low international call rates, low SMS rates, GPRS and recently Mobile tv. The telecommunication trend has offered a huge potential for advertisers to reach out to new markets in a totally new way. Source: Micro-marketing: This has recently become quite common trend in Pakistan due to increase use of local cable services and channels. For example the local ads of Sona jewellers, Karegar, Rsheen on local cable service in Peshawar. Also telemarketing such as Televantage on channels has also become quite common too. Online advertisement is another new trend increasingly developing. This has cost loss to a lot of newspaper agencies as well as traditional advertising media companies. 3. Evaluate the impact of these trends on the industry and parties of the industry These trends have had a great impact on the over all advertising industry as well as the parties of the industry. It has opened up new markets, opportunities and chances for advertisers, clients, ad agencies and etc to reach out to everyone. Due to media fragmentation there is wide range of variety and options for them to choose from. Moreover it has provided Media buying businesses with a lot of new opportunities to target its market specifically and earn profit. Mobile phones have become one of the most popular devices and have increased capabilities of technologies. It has enabled access to email, internet browsing and multimedia thus giving advertising yet another channel to reach the audience. Media fragmentation has allowed advertising delivery on a per user basis according to the viewers interests, location, habits, demographics and etc. Source: Outcome 1.3 Use any two response hierarchy models on the two ads selected by the students 1. Select two ads which have to be evaluated considering the response hierarchy models. 2. Discuss how these ads confirms to the response hierarchy models being discussed AIDA response hierarchy model: AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action which are the four stages of the sales process. It can be used as a checklist or guideline to determine where they stand and help them increase the sales if they fulfill the checklist for a customer. A : Attention, attracting and gaining the attention of the customers. The customers dont want to watch, listen or read long stories and long advertisements therefore keeping it short and the first few seconds attractive is important. Maybe a pleasant surprising element for example. I : Interest, after attention is gained it is the focus on customers interest by mentioning the benefits and advantages. Making sure not to bore the audience. D : Desire , To initiate a desire in a customer or convince a customer for what you want them to do or to buy a specific product. A : Action , Convincing the customer enough to take some action in purchasing a product. Souce: r The AIDA model for Ufone advertisement: Source: ufone Attention: Yes, the advertisement uses a good humorous approach that grabs attention. The format is very colorful and catchy. Interest: Yes, The slogan its all about you creates an interest and question in the mind of the customer, to see how well the product meets upto its claims in the advertisments. Desire: Yes, the low prices and attractive promotional packages were able to create a desire to try the product. Action: Yes, the advertiser was successful to be able to force the customer in a light humorous manner to switch to their product if they want a better quality. This package has been running very successfully. The AIDA model for Pepsi: Source: Attention: Yes, The expensive advertisements and use of celebrities grabs attention. Interest: Yes, their catchy slogan Ye dil maange more provokes interest whether one can really have enough of it. Desire: Yes, the colorful ad, use of cricketers/celebrities creates a feeling of desire to try the product. Action: Yes, the advertisement showed what length do people go through just to have a Pepsi and it is a more common drink in the easy as compared to Coke. Hierarchy of effects model: This is a sequence of five steps that a consumer passes through before purchasing a product. It basically shows how advertisement works. It is said that a consumer passes through thinking, feeling and intention phases. Awareness: creating awareness and capturing attention of the main target audience. Knowledge: Along with the awareness it is important to give knowledge about a product and brand. Liking: Next is to create liking in a customer for a product. It is important to find if the product is liked or not and the cause for it. Preference: Building customer preference of their product through values, quality, image, performance and etc. It should be made sure that the customer not only likes your product but prefers it over other products. Conviction: Next is to make the consumer come back again and again for your product. Advertiser is to convict the target customers and develop a firm belief in them to always come to you. Purchase: This is the evaluation of the purchase whether its made or not. The problematic area and reasons should be found as to why a certain product wasnt purchased or liked in order to fix faulty areas. Hierarchy of effect model for Ufone Advertisement: Awareness: Yes, the advertisement is creating awareness about the launch of the new sms package. Knowledge: Yes, knowledge is given to the customer about the pricing and detail of the package being introduced. Liking: Yes, a humorous approach in advertisements is always attractive and helps in gaining customer attention. Moreover the low prices will automatically create a liking in them. Preference: Preference is created by introducing a unique package of lowest rates. Conviction: yes Purchase: Yes Hierarchy of effect model for Pepsi Advertisement: Awareness: Yes, awareness to the product is made in the advertisement. Knowledge: No, there is not much emphasis on knowledge of the product (for example price, deals etc) Liking: Yes, the use of big celebrities helps in gaining customer attention and liking. Preference: No emphasis was made to create a preference over competitors (for example seasonal deals like buy one get one free) Conviction: yes Purchase: Yes For Merit Outcome 1.3 12 Make an effective judgment on the ads selected whether you think the ads are appropriately developed to satisfy the hierarchy models. Give reference to books or internet sources used. The two hierarchy models i used in the previous question were AIDA and Effects model. They were applied on two selected ads (Pepsi and Ufone) to determine their effect. Based on my observation and study it can be concluded that these ads were appropriately developed to satisfy the hierarchy models. They were both successful in gaining the attention, interest and develop the desire in the customer. Ufone is using humorous theme in its ads which has become its benchmark. People enjoy watching, discussing and following Ufone ads the most and it is the biggest achievement of Ufone in recent times. Ufone became a part of the Emirates Telecommunication Corporation Group (Etisalat) in 2006.Since its inception, Ufone has focused on the people of Pakistan, empowering them with the most relevant communication modes and services that enable them to do a lot more than just talk, at a price that suits them the most. With a strong and uniquely humorous communication direction that has now become Ufones signature across all advertising media, Ufone gives its customers many reasons to smile. (source: Moreover with its success Ufone has been able to build a subscriber base of over 20 million, network coverage in 10,000 locations, international roaming to more than 260 live operators in more than 150 countries. As the world of telecommunications advances, Ufone promises its customers to stay ahead, developing and evolving, to go beyond their expectations, because at Ufone, its all about U. Pepsi on the other hand is already a successful brand which uses advertisment to just remind the customer of their existence. The pepsi ad i chose has used two most popular celebrities of Bollywood (Shahrukh, actor and Sachin, cricketer). Shahrukh was the Brand ambassador till 2008 and so was Sachin at some point. Pepsis style of advertisment has almost always used a celebrity for their advertisement to gain customer attention as well as create desire in them to use a brand popular among celebrities. source: Therefore both the advertisements till some extent satisfies and fulfills the hierarchy model criteria. However Pepsi company could have made this advertisment a little more innovative and creative by developing a more effective story line stating its preference and more knowledge regarding price for Pepsi. Ufone could have also given a bit more knowledge about their rates and number of sms offering.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Education in Bolivia for the past 50 years Essay
In the year 1989, education in Bolivia was not considered as a right by many people. However, it was observed as a means to control the lives of the masses by the ruling sector. The government restricted the release of funds to education because it gave more attention in other branches of the society. As a result, the illiteracy rate was very high. A country which has 13-14% illiteracy rate, Bolivia is regarded as the worst in the South Americas. The Bolivian government allocates 23% of its yearly budget to education which is actually the highest percentage in South American countries despite of its small budget. However, this did not help improve the literacy level of the country as a whole. According to the Bolivian National Statistics Institute in 2002, the rate of absolute literacy level is about 20%, functional literacy rate is about 35%, with totality of 55% only. There are about 11. 8% literacy rate in men were proven and this increases to a relatively high 27. 7% for women (Carlos Santander-Maturana, 2007). Nowadays, the absentee rate is very high learner for children in the primary school from six to eight years. It is comparably lower on children aged nine, but increases significantly when on children aged 12 (Santander-Maturana, C. 2007). A very familiar explanation for this growing dilemma is that the majority poor families, which comprise the leading portion in the Bolivian people, force their kids to stop from going to school in order to help their parents increase the family income. Similar thing is true to the other students who are in the secondary and tertiary level as is confirmed in Country Studies (2007): Only 1/3 of the first graders completed the 5th grade, 20% started secondary school, 5% began their postsecondary studies, and just 1% received a university degree. Dropout rates were higher among girls and rural children. Only about 40% of rural youngsters continued their education beyond the third grade (Country Studies, 2007). This astounding percentage is the worst among the South American countries and the government is now trying its best in combating this central problem in education. As years go by, parents of poor families started seeing education as a means to save them and their future generation from poverty. But as a family strives hard for survival, problems will always remain as problems no matter how they manage to resolve them. The current economic condition of the family is one of the many causes of their being illiterate. As of now, the literacy condition is getting more and more improved because people are paying much attention in education more than they did before. The government is also in support of the projects to make education better. Many programs are now laid out and are being implemented to secure the future of the country. The Bolivian style of education compared side by side with the United States’ is quite similar in a few ways. As what is stated in Encyclopedia Britannica (2007): Primary education for children 6 to 13 years of age is free and officially compulsory, although school attendance is difficult to enforce in some areas. Secondary education, lasting up to 4 years, is not compulsory. Most education is state-supported, but private institutions are permitted (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2007). Education in the United States is funded mainly by the government in three levels: federal, state, and local. Primary education, which starts from 5-6 years old and secondary education are both compulsory. College education is still an option because there are still vocational and technical courses being offered by the state. Reading literacy rate in the US is as high as 98% being recognized as one of the best reading literacy all over the world.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The play A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller is a short play with nine main characters. One of these nine characters is Alfieri. He is the first character that the audience meets. Alfieri is a lawyer to whom Eddie Carbone goes to for advice in the middle of the play. Alfieri also plays a part role as a narrator. He is the character that starts and ends the play and gives the audience background detail as well as inside hints at what he thinks will happen.Alfieri's opening speech is a very long and detailed prologue with a lot of information for the audience. Some may say that it gets a bit boring as it is a lot to take in and in that sense Arthur Miller has taken a bit ofa gamble choosing to start his play off with something like that. It is an introductory speech that introduces the play to the audience and finishes it. Through this opening speech we learn a lot and it is a very thorough and informative piece of dialogue. One thing that we learn is that the events that are appro aching ill be bloody and tragic in their conclusions.Alfieri hints at the story and this is one of the tactics of keeping the audience interested. â€Å"sat there as powerless as l, and watched it run its bloody course. †This last sentence in his speech while he is alone to the audience tells us what is to come and gets us ready for what is about to unfold in this play. To start Offa play with a speech like Alfieri's, leaving the audience with this sentence creates an atmosphere right at the start of the play and it makes the audience want to find out hat he is trying to prepare them for.Alfieri also gives some background to the play and some history to the setting. He gives part of a Sicilian background which gives us a broader view and some background information of the setting. †.. in Sicily, form where their fathers came, the law has not been a friendly idea since the Greeks were beaten. †In most of the speech Alfieri is talking about what people thought of lawyers and how they were looked upon. A lawyer is a bad omen to them, something that is thought and seen negatively, unlucky to the neighbourhood. This tells us that the community is very superstitious. I am a lawyer. In this neighbourhood to meet a lawyer or a priest is unlucky. †the idea of law. â€Å".. the law has not been a friendly idea. †Alfieri gives his own personal history and uses this as an opportunity to introduce himself to the audience. He is also the one who introduces Eddie Carbone to the audience. This is where his narrator role comes in. Arthur Miller has given Alfieri a very important and creative character played like this as a double role. â€Å"l am a lawyer. †â€Å"l was born in Italy. I only came here when I was twenty five. â€Å"Eddie Carbone, a longshoreman working the docks from Brooklyn Bridge. †In his dialogue, Alfieri also gives a bit of the New York background with small details such as the specific setting he mentio ns. Although it seems like a long speech, in this prologue there is a large amount of information lying beneath it which emerges from it, and with all this information it is quite short in comparison. In it he also mentions history form way back in the Roman times, Caesar's years which was almost 2000 years ago. But this is Red Hook,†â€Å"since the Greeks were beaten†¦ â€Å".. that in some Caesar's year†¦ †He is saying in this speech that in those times till now law is frowned upon but things have changed since then. People have become more civilised now and that is why things have settled down.There is compromise now. Alfieri then goes on to say that one thing that hasn't changed since 2000 years ago, even though law is seen badly, that there will always be a Job for a lawyer. â€Å"now we settle for half, and I like it better. †â€Å"†¦ every few years there is still a case,†l no longer keep a pistol in my filing cabinet. â€Å"â⠂¬ ¦ Justice is very important here. †Alfieri's opening prologue is very important. In it he plays a commentator, getting the audience ready for the intensity of the plays meaning, hinting at what's going to background. He poses questions to the audience in his own way and explains and provides evidence on a number of things. He also comments on different things and gives a lot of information in this play and gives his opinion on them. He plays a very important part and provides the backbone to the play.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Top 5 William Shakespeare Plays
The idea of picking the top five plays by William Shakespeare is sure to spark a quarrel among literary critics and theatergoers. Though many consider Hamlet the Bards best work, others prefer King Lear or The Winters Tale. Tastes vary, but there is some critical consensus about which plays have the most enduring literary value. Hamlet Considered by many literary critics to be Shakespeare’s greatest play, this deeply moving story follows Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, as he grieves for his father and avenges his death. Possibly based on Shakespeare’s personal experience of losing his own son, Hamnet, in 1596, this tragedy manages to explore the complex psychology of its young hero hundreds of years before the emergence of psychology as a concept. For this alone, Hamlet deserves the number one spot. Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare is perhaps most famous for Romeo and Juliet, the classic story of two â€Å"star-crossed lovers.†This play has seeped into the consciousness of popular culture: if we describe someone as romantic, we might describe him as â€Å"a Romeo,†and the balcony scene is possibly the world’s most iconic (and quoted) dramatic text. The tragic love story unfolds against the backdrop of the Montague-Capulet feudâ€â€a subplot that provides several memorable action scenes. Shakespeare gets straight down to business at the start of the play and stages a fight between the Montagues and the Capulets serving men. The key reason for Romeo and Juliet’s popularity is its timeless themes; anyone of any age today can relate to a story about two people from very different backgrounds falling head-over-heels in love. Macbeth Macbethâ€â€a short, punchy, intense piece of drama that charts the rise and fall of Macbeth from soldier to king to tyrantâ€â€features some of Shakespeares finest writing. Although all of the characters are well-drawn and the plot is perfectly formulated, it is Lady Macbeth who steals the show. She is one of Shakespeares most enduring villains, and it is her intense ambition that drives the play. This crime drama is so popular with audiences that it has inspired over 10 film adaptations. Julius Caesar Beloved by many, this play focuses on Roman senator Marcus Brutus and his involvement in the assassination of Roman emperor Julius Caesar. Those who have not read the play are often surprised to learn that Caesar only appears in a handful of scenes. Instead, the tragedy centers on Brutus conflicting morals and his psychological turmoil as he weaves a conspiracy that will transform history. Critic Harold Bloom has said that the play could have been called The Tragedy of Marcus Brutus. Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing is Shakespeare’s best-loved comedy. The play mixes humor and tragedy and is one of the Bard’s most interesting texts from a stylistic point of view. The key to the play’s popularity rests on the turbulent love-hate relationship between Benedick and Beatrice. Throughout the play, the two are locked in a battle of witsâ€â€and although we know they really love each other, they just can’t admit it to themselves. Some critics consider Much Ado About Nothing a comedy of manners because it pokes fun at aristocratic behavior and language.
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