Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Television and Media - Categorization of TV Sitcom...
Categorization of Sitcom Fathers For this essay I consulted[1] and The Internet Movie Database[2], which also includes minimal facts of television shows and casts. Throughout the course of television history there have evolved several types and variations of fathers: the Simulacrum; the Single-parent; the Substitute; the Homer Simpson; the Apathetic. Though their characteristics coincide with American values, the Simulacrum Father does not merely represent ideals but America’s adoption of simulations. Jean Baudrillard concisely describes his complex idea of simulacra as â€Å"the generation by models of a real without origin or reality†in â€Å"The Precession of Simulacra.†Mid-Twentieth-century television fathers such as†¦show more content†¦The Simulacrum Father endures because sitcom fathers reinforce American ideals of fathers through deriving from past generation of ideal father images, the same origin of audiences’ ideals. The Single-parent Father diverges from the Simulacrum as such fathers exist as referents; however, this type signifies another American ideal of the virtuous parent. The model for this type is Bob Saget’s Danny Tanner of Full House, who strove to provide his three daughters the experience of two parents through dedication, over-compensation, and unhealthy doses of didactic conversations. Two shows descended from Full House illustrate both the simulacrum (through their cast connections to Full House) and attributes of the single-parent father: Raising Dad, featuring Bob Saget, â€Å"A sitcom about a widowed father struggling to separate his professional personal lives and keeping his sanity while raising two daughters,†( and â€Å"Two of a Kind,†â€Å"A show about a single father who has his hands full raising twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley [Olsen, of Full House]†( The description of these shows alludes to single-parenting as th e modern struggle; unlike other ideals, this television image represents reality at least in as much as the high divorce rates of the 1990s, thoughShow MoreRelatedBlack Culture And Issues Within The Media1625 Words  | 7 PagesThere have been countless shows on television that have had a focus on black culture and issues within the community. The Television shows Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Black-ish bring to light and successfully decode the 20th to 21st century race issues, specifically black male issues that have not been adequately dealt with in the mainstream media. Mainstream television has had black characters and have covered black issues, but they often have characters that fit and fuel stereotypes about theRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1959 Words  | 8 PagesWhether it is on TV or movie screens, the faces of white actors and actresses have always been prevalent in the media. For generations, many teenagers have been exposed to countless movies with w hite people in major roles. Moreover, the few roles that are cast to minorities feature the characters in their stereotypical personas (Bonilla-Silva 179). Even in advertising, Asians are placed in business settings, upholding the hard-working Asian stereotype (Taylor and Stern 50). As Taylor and Stern mentionRead MoreJudith Butlers Perception of the Female in the Modern Era: Gender Identity and the Act of Becoming in Cindy Shermans History Portraits6698 Words  | 27 Pagesand issues surrounding identity, which erupted with such force in America following the publication of Betty Friedans The Feminine Mystique in 1963. Sherman believed that her work was feminist but she rejected any strict categorization, feeling that ultimately such categorization hindered rather than helped her to connect with her art. Her approach to work grew out of an era largely defined by the Womens Movement, but her approach was more practical than theoretical (Berne, 2003). Feminism was the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Business Analysis Starbucks Coffee - 1509 Words
Starbucks Corporation, generally known, as Starbucks Coffee is the leading retailer and a brand of world’s forte coffee in the world, with more than 15,000 retail locations in North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim, wherever in this world where premium quality coffee is in demand. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world ahead of UK rival Costa Coffee, with 20737 stores in 63 countries and territories, including 11910 in the United States, 1496 in China, 1442 in Canada, 1052 in Japan and 772 in the United Kingdom. The first Starbucks was open in 1970. The name was inspired from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, a definitive American novel regarding the 19th century whaling industry. The nautical name matches seamlessly for a store that imports the world’s finest coffees to the cold thirsty people of Seattle. In May 1998, Starbucks have finally successfully entered the European market through its acquirement of 65 Cof fee Company stores initially originated from Seattle in the UK. Both companies shared a common culture, focusing on a great commitment to customized coffee, similar company values and a mutual respect. The marketing mix concept often referred to as the â€Å"4Ps†(McCarthy, 1964), as a means of translating marketing planning into practice (Bennett, 1997) is one of the fundamental concepts of marketing theory. Marketing mix is not a scientific theory, but merely a conceptual framework that identifies thee principalShow MoreRelatedBusiness Analysis : Starbucks s Coffee765 Words  | 4 Pagestanking, it is imperative to commence your day with an enjoyable cup of coffee to endure some these life challenges. Gratifying everyday moments is just one way that it appears that Starbucks words denotes that they are not retailing solely coffee. 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They are the largest coffeehouse business in the world that has made huge advancements in all the major markets. Starbucks Coffee chain is strong but it always facing major threats in various markets around the world. For Starbucks to keep up with a competitive advantageRead MorePorters Five Force Analysis1618 Words  | 7 Pagesfive force analysis of Starbucks coffee shows the intensity of the five strengths of the firm and the basis of these powers. Starbucks coffee s prosperity shows its viability tending to these outside elements in its industrial surroundings. However, this five forces investigation highlights current industry conditions that force present and developing concerns significant to Starbucks coffee s business. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Financial Analysis and Management British Airways and Mobile Network
Question: You work as a financial analyst for a firm of international management consultants. A very large multinational company (of your choice) has approached the firm for advice as they are considering diversification through a strategy of acquisition. You are required to write a report to the client which: Identifies two potential acquisition targets and gives a brief rationale for their potential acquisition. Describes the importance of working capital and capital structure management and critically analyses both potential targets with regard to their current working capital and capital structure management. Your analysis should take into account the type of industry in which the potential targets are engaged. Compares the financial performance, risk exposures and future prospects of the potential acquisition targets. Concludes with a reasoned argument as to which company might be the preferred acquisition target. Answer: Rationale on the acquisitions target The study will focus on the basic reason for choosing this particular topic understand the acquisition takes place between the companies. One of the major acquisition will be based on the mobile network 3 is acquiring O2 and British airways to acquire the Aer Lingus. This will helps the both company to gain the large market base in UK. There has been ample evidence which shows that, both of the acquisition is been one of the major spending from the both of the companies (BBC News, 2015). For examples Mobile Network 3 is spending more than 10 billion to buy the O2. This will help to the mobile network 3 to reach number position in Asian region. Apart from that, study will also focus on the risk exposure on the both of the acquisition. There have been numerous evidences, which show that acquisition is one of the major decisions making for any companies. Before acquisition, company must have to see the financial performance of the acquired company. Apart from that stud will also give an insight of the capital structure of the both of acquiring company British airways and Mobile network 3 (Berger et al. (2007). Importance of Working capital and capital structure management One of the major working capital structures is that it helps to gain the company to understand its cash positions and its working capital cycle. Working capital structure of the company shows that company financial position in international market and its performance to its industry. Since the British airways are looking to purchase the Aer Lingus; the working capital of Aer lingus is needed to assess in order to identify the present condition of the company. This will help the companies, British airways and Mobile network 3 to make the make the current valuation of the company as per the market rate (BBC News, 2015). Apart from that, capital structure is much important part to survive the business in the long run. With the help of liability side of the both of acquired company O2 and Aer lingus liability side of the balance sheet will show the actual capital structure of the company (Berry, 2009). With the help of total debt and total equity valuation, both of the companies British air ways and the Mobile network 3 will be able to assess its performance it will help the company to reduce the risk ( , 2015). Figure 1: Importance of Capital Structure (Source: Campbell and Shiller, 2008, pp-195) Analysis of working capital management Working capital structure of both of acquisition is given below: Acquiring company Acquired by Total cost Aer lingus British Airways 10 billion O2 Mobile network 3 - Working capital structures of both the companies are strong enough to invest in acquisitions. This deal will make the owner of the Mobile network 3 owner Mr. Li Ka Shing will be one of the richest man of Asia (BBC News, 2015). The mobile network three is very much known for its optimum use of resources that has made the company to gain the large market share in Asia. Mobile network 3 sells low cost with higher quality service in Asia which is company has strong capital structure. Company total fortune for Mobile network 3 will be around 34.1bn (Dechow, 2008). Apart from that, capital structure of the BA is very much stronger than other airlines companies. BA is one of the largest airline companies in UK. Recently company has acquired the Aer lingus which is one the Irish carrier giants. BA takeover has made the company to surpass the companies like virgin airlines and Air etihad ( , 2015). Analysis of capital structure The capital structure of both the company is very much stronger. As the cash position of the company is strong enough to capture large customer base. The parent company of the Mobile network 3 is Hutchison Whampoa (Finger, 2008). The market share of the UK mobile operator is given below: Currents positions Market share % After O2 acquisitions Market share % EE 29% O2 Three 40% O2 29% EE 29% Vodafone 23% Vodafone 23% Three 12% Others 7% Others 7% Graph 1: Market share of Mobile network 3 before acquisitions of O2 (Source: Garcia-Teruel and Martnez-Solono, 2013, pp- 123) Graph 2: Market Share after acquisition of the O2 (Source: Alawattage et al. 2014, pp- 185) Currently, the capital structure of the company shows that, Mobile network three has long term sources of capital which is favorable position therefore the acquisition will help the company build strong network across the UK and Asian market. Apart from that before the acquisition of O2, Mobile network three has acquired more than 125 of the market shares. After the acquisition of O2 company will be able to gain 40% of the market share of UK and Asia (Gowthorpe, 2007) Apart from that, the cash position of the mobile network three is very much string enough to carry the acquisition expenditure. As the company has favorable current ratio and debt equity ratio which why Mobile network three will have margin of expenditure to spend in the acquisition ( , 2015) . However, as the interest coverage ratios may be fluctuating to use the debt capital more than equity capital. Mobile network three , in spite of the better ICR the cash flow position of the company will be weak because of the company will have need to expenses more on the operation part. Apart from the above, the takeover of the British airways of the Aer Lingus will make the BA one of the strong footholds in UK and European market. As per the industry informations the acquiring of the BA will help the company to reach the large market shares. A takeover will make the Irish carrier one of the largest but the company has to sell down the 29.9% of shares for 1 billion (Balakrishnan and Sivaramakrishnan, 2008). After the acquisition of the Aer Lingus British airways shares will be rose up to 3.8p.Besides that, capital structure of British airways will stronger if the company acquires the Aer lingus with more than 5 million customers of the Irish giants. However, the Irish government is facing substantial opposed by the decisions as the government has hold strong market share of Ryan airlines. Comparitive evaluation of the financial performance and risk exposure and future prospectus of the acquisitions targets The aim of this essay is to critically discuss and advise Noomz Associates, with appropriate examples from the financial industry the rationale for their firm to engage in diversification through strategic acquisition and the organizational factors that influence this process. The two potential acquisition targets our financial analyst will advise the above named company are Mobile network Three to acquire O2 and British Airways to acquire Irish carrier Aer Lingus As cited in the Guardian newspaper on 23rd January 2015 Mobile Network Three is set to acquire O2 in 10bn deal This potential acquisition would make Li Ka-Shing Asias richest man, one of the biggest foreign investors in the UK. La Ka-Shing has an estimated fortune of 34.1bn (25.5bn) from his sprawling empire of ports, utilities, and property, according to Forbes. His conglomerate Hutchinson Whampoa is parent company of three, which confirmed it was ready to pay 10.25bn, mostly in cash, for larger rival O2. Most recently he has been snapping up mobile networks around Europe. The article further stated this potential acquisition target would create the UKs largest mobile phone firm with 31.5 million customers, cutting the number of network owners in the UK from four to three. As recently as 2010, the UK had five network Owners but that became four when Orange and T-mobile merged to form EE. Although the UK telecoms regulator Ofcom has long said it wants to retain four competing mobile firms in the UK the final decision on whether to let the deal go ahead will rest with the European Union completion authorities in Brussels. This strategic plan is evidence to suggest that Mobile network Three to buy O2 in 10bn, is to grow from a multinational level to a global level and to eventually operate in the main markets of the world. According to Lasserre (2003) Globalisation is the phenomenon of the transition of industries whose competitive structure changes progressively from multinational to global. Slack (2001) states that operation strategy is based on a leading theory of business strategy the resourced based view when a firm has an above average strategic performance then this is likely to have gained their sustainable competitive advantage because of the core competence or capabilities of their resources. Mobile network Three used their resources and capabilities to achieve a low cost mobile phone company that provides high quality service. They have positioned themselves in the mobile phone industry through its choice of low cost, high quality. This decision is central to their competitive advantage and competitive strategy. It was stated in the Guardian Newspaper on British Airways Owners set moves to take over Aer Lingus.Adding the Irish carrier to the group, would bring with it valuable extra take-off slots at Heathrow Airport. The airline share price shot up almost 20% on news of the move, but dropped back after the Aer Lingus rejection. A takeover has become likely as the Irish carriers largest single shareholder Ryanair, is expected to lose an appeal. According to Joyce Woods (1996), in the 1960s, a period of expansion and confidence, businesses used acquisitions and mergers to build better competitive positions. Sudarsanam (2003) states firms make acquisitions to gain market power, gain economies of scale and scope or internalize vertically linked operations to save on cost of dealing with markets thus adding further cost savings. The industry formed MA with larger business because it was easier to raise money and to acquire a greater market share. Working Capital is the funds needed for a business to run successfully. Working Capital includes but is not limited to stock, debtors, cash, and short term investments minus what the company owners currently to the creditors. The equitation to calculate working capital is current assetsminus current liabilities. Working capital is an important measure of the companys liability. It is more concerned with the management and the relationship between current assets and current liabilities and the strategic decisions on how to create and maintain equilibrium between these two areas on a daily basis. In order to reduce the risk the mobile network 3 looks to reduce the capital stature planning by adjusting and conducting the feasibility of study for acquisition of the O2. Company will be looking indentify the sources of funds for the acquiring the company for which equity, debt and retained profit will be used to reduce the risk of losing the high capital. Figure 2: Sources of funds available for Mobile network 3 (Source: Banker and Chen, 2006, pp-286) From the above, it has been found that, sources of funds available for Mobile network 3 are equity, debt and retained profit. Since the company is looking to take maximum funds from the debt which will make the deal more risky in compare to other two. One of the major benefit for the company will be company do not have to share its profit or ownership with general shareholders (DeWet, 2009). Apart from that, Mobile network 3 issuing only 30% of equity and 205 of the retained profit. One of the future prospectus for the company is to manage and control the exposure of the risk which will help the company to reduce the risk ( , 2015). Since the higher amount of borrowing will be from the banks or debt financing the rising interest rate will be one of the major concern for the Mobile network three. Another major part will adjust as per the business environment for which the company will have to raise the equity sources that will help the parent company Hutchison to manage its expenditure in the long run. Another major risk will be reduced if the funding will be buying of Forex contract which will help the company to manage the deal cost for the mobile network lower in pounds. Investment in buying O2 may be right decision for the Mobile network 3 but capacity of debt is 50% can creates lots of problems for the company in near future. Mobile network 3 is looking to close the deal with more than 1 billion which will help the company to capture the large market area of the UK and Asia (Drumm, 2008). The risk of issuing the capital; in long run will be higher because of the large capital investment in the company is one of the major part of the investing in the area of acquisitions. Investment in O2 will help the company to acquire more than 5 million customer base but it will fails to improve the company performance in long run because of the high amount of debt to acquired the O2 (Hansen et al. 2009). British airways investment in the Aer lingus will make the company one of the largest airways of Europe. However, one of the risks for BA here is the political risk and debt risk. Figure 3: Sources funds used by the BA (Source: Ismail, 2008, pp- 343) BA is facing political risk because of the most of the shares are captured by the Irish government which lead the deal impossible for the BA. Political matters are very much critical side of the acquisitions which can only be resolved between the companies and government holdings. Another major risk associated with the sources of fund of the BA would be high debt. As the companies is known for owing and controlling the entire things on their own would can creates cash flow deficit in future if the acquisition would be failed. Higher debt would increase the cost of the capital because of the rise in CRR every year. The rising rate of CRR can creates problems for the company in near future because of BA is looking to spend more than 1 billion which is equal to 789 million (Hansen et al. 2009). This will help the company to gain the large market share which may decrease the cash position in the long run for the BA. The financial position of the BA is much better than that of Aer lingus and holds string position to gather information which will tend the company to sustain in the future. The working capital of the company shows that BA shows that company has strong cash position and has good current ratio that will lead the company to gain the higher position in future ( , 2015). Conclusion From the above study, it has been found that, both of the companies has been using debt as their major sources of fund to take over the other companies. In this case the BA is looking to take over the share worth of 25% in Aer lingus. Mobile network 3 is looking to full takeover the O2. Both of the companies are looking to acquire with full of debt rather than equity. There has been ample evidence which shows that, both of the company are spending billion of money for acquisition one of the major risk faced by both of them are rising CRR rates.BA is suffering from the political risk while buying the Aer lingus. As for mobile network 3 companies will have more than 40% of share present in the current market. British airways has shares have been risen up to 4% after the new broke of BA is purchasing the Aer Lingus. Both of the company are facing tough survive in the long run if the debt amount is higher for the sources of funds. Mobile network is subsidiary of Hutchison which why compa ny strong financial health which will lead the company to sustain in the long run. Reference List Alawattage, C., Hopper, T. and Wickramasinghe, D. (2014) Introduction to management accounting in less developed countries, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, 3(3), pp. 183-91 Balakrishnan, R. and Sivaramakrishnan, K. (2008) A critical overview of the use of fullcost data for planning and pricing. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 14: 3-31 Banker, R., and Chen, L. (2006) Predicting Earnings Using a Model Based on Cost Variability and Cost Stickiness. The Accounting Review 81, 285307. 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Journal of Business Forecasting, 12(1), 2223. Finger, C. A. (2008) "The Ability of Earnings to Predict Future Earnings and Cash Flow", Journal of Accounting Research 32, pp. 210-223. Garcia-Teruel, P. J. and Martnez-Solono, P. (2013) Effects of Working Capital Management on SME Profitability, International Journal of Managerial Finance, 3(2), pp. 174-177 Gowthorpe, C., (2007). Financial Accounting: for non specialists. 5th ed. London: Routledge. Hansen, D. R., Mowen, M. M. and Guan, L. (2009) Cost Management: Accounting Control - Page 50, 5th ed. New Delhi: Global Indian Publications Ltd. Ismail, A. (2008) Is economic value added more associated with stock return than accounting earnings? The UK evidence International Journal of Managerial Finance, 2(4), pp. 343-53 Topham, G. (2014). British Airways owner moves to take over Aer Lingus. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 4 Mar. 2015].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Role Of Liberal Arts In A College Education Essay Example For Students
The Role Of Liberal Arts In A College Education Essay The Purposes to Liberal Education is a brief, but extremely accurate and clearly-written explanation of what he feels a liberal arts education entails. The author has had extensive experience in the field to education and has been able to shape and impact many students while being the Dean at Harvard College. For this reason, consideration of his ideas on the liberal arts is merited, His standard of liberal education and view of what an educated person should know may be useful for anyone who is interested in becoming a ell-educated and fuel-rounded person. University educated students can not only secure meaningful employment and perform well in the workplace, but navigate easily in the complicated web of the social, political, and cultural aspects of life. This paper provides an overview of Rooks article with the summary of his standard Of the liberal arts education and definition Of some useful tips for further self-improvement. The author considers that the standard Of a liberal arts education consists Of five key elements. First of all, any educated person has to be able to lay out their ideas and opinions in a clear and efficient way both orally and in writing (Rooks 49). We will write a custom essay on The Role Of Liberal Arts In A College Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This component also implies critical thinking skills that are significant for development in society. Secondly, an educated individual should have an informed acquaintance with the major fields of study and the means by which knowledge can be gained (Rooks 56). The author does not mean that students of the liberal arts should be experts in various subjects, Instead, he merely offers an ideal to which every educated person should aspire. General knowledge of various disciplines is a prerequisite for liberal education. Thirdly, educated people have no right to remain provincial in the sense that they should adapt to the modern world and learn basics of other cultures and times (Rooks 57). Simply put, we cannot forget those that have gone before us. Fourthly, liberal education implies understanding and the ability to employ moral and ethical considerations when thinking about problems or issues. (Rooks 51). Finally, an educated person should be specialized in some discipline, i. E. Have a major (Rooks 57). This in-depth understanding of some field stands between informed acquaintance and professional competence (Rooks 57). Overall, the article is very informative and insightful and relates well to a liberal arts education and what could be expected from students Obtaining such an education. The author presents a persuasive explanation of the five elements of the standard he is promoting. This article may be useful for comprehension Of the idea of liberal education in general, as well as acting as motivation to broaden ones education. Personally, have found the article quite valuable and thought-provoking, since t has given me inspiration for learning outside of my favored subjects. My educational goal is to become a well-rounded and educated member of my community, and hope that a broadened education will assist me with achieving this goal I agree faith Rooks that with an education in the liberal arts, would most certainly understand the value and use of expanded knowledge. It is not enough to be an expert in one narrow field, while ignoring the rest Vital and interesting information (Rooks 57). It does not mean that want to be knowledgeable in every subject, but now consider it important to have basic impression of the core fields. In addition, the knowledge of other cultures and times may help me when traveling, communicating With people educated in a different generation, and trying to understand the dynamics of events that happen around the world. Therefore, suppose that Rockroses article should be read by anyone who aspires to become a sophisticated and educated member of society, as it can surely aid in becoming one.
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