Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Top 5 Reasons to Attend Private High School
Top 5 Reasons to Attend Private High School Not everyone considers attending private school. The truth is, the private school vs. public school debate is a popular one. You might not think private school is worth a second look, especially if the public schools in your area are pretty good, the teachers are qualified, and the high school seems to get lots of graduates into good colleges and universities. Your public school might even offer plenty of extracurricular activities and sports. Is private school really worth the extra money? It's Cool to Be Smart In a private school, its cool to be smart. A top-notch education is why you go to private school. In many public schools the kids who want to learn and who are smart are branded as nerds and become the objects of social ridicule. At private school, children who excel academically will often find that the school they are attending will do its best to meet their needs, with advanced courses, online school options, and more. Focus on Personal Development While the major focus at most private high schools is getting your child ready for college, the students personal maturation and development go hand in hand with that academic preparation. That way, graduates emerge from high school with both a degree (sometimes, two- if there is an IB program at the school you choose) and a greater understanding of their purpose in life and who they are as individuals. They are better prepared not just for college, but for their careers and their lives as citizens in our world. Superb Facilities Libraries, which are now called media centers, are a focal point of the very best private high schools such as Andover, Exeter, St. Pauls and Hotchkiss. Money has never been an object at those and similar older schools when it comes to books and research materials of every conceivable kind. But media or learning centers are also the centerpieces of just about every private high school, large or small. Private schools also have first-rate athletic facilities. Many schools offer horseback riding, hockey, racquet sports, basketball, football, crew, swimming, lacrosse, field hockey, soccer, archery as well as dozens of other sports. They also have the facilities to house and support all these activities. Besides professional staff to manage these athletic programs, private schools expect their teaching staff to coach a team. Extracurricular activities are a major part of private high school programs as well. Choirs, orchestras, bands and drama clubs can be found in most schools. Participation, while optional, is expected. Again, the teachers guide or coach extracurricular activities as part of their job requirements. In tough economic times, the first programs to be cut in public schools are the extras such as sports, arts programs, and extracurricular activities. Highly Qualified Teachers Private high school teachers usually have a first degree in their subject. A high percentage (70-80%) will also have a masters degree and/or a terminal degree. When a private school dean of faculty and head of school hire teachers, they look for competence in and passion for the subject a candidate will teach. Then they review how the teacher actually teaches. Finally, they check out the three or more references from the candidates previous teaching jobs to ensure that they are hiring the best candidate. Private school teachers rarely have to worry about discipline. Students know that if they cause problems they will be dealt with swiftly and without recourse. A teacher who doesnt have to be a traffic cop can teach. Small Classes One of the top reasons why many parents begin to consider a private high school is that the classes are small. The teacher to student ratios are typically 1:8, and class sizes are 10-15 students. Why are small class sizes and low student to teacher ratios important? Because they mean that your child will not get lost in the shuffle. Your child will get the personal attention he or she needs and craves. Most public schools have classes numbering 25 students or more, and teachers are not always available for extra assistance outside of normal school day hours. At private schools, especially boarding schools, the expectation is that teachers are more readily accessible to students, often coming in early and staying late to accommodate extra help sessions with groups or individual students. Among other considerations to think about as you investigate a private school education for your child, one point to consider is that most private high schools are fairly small, usually 300-400 students. Thats much smaller than the typical public high school which will have 1,000 students or more. Its very difficult to hide or just be a number in a private high school.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Richard Surname Meaning and Family History
Richard Surname Meaning and Family History Derived from the given name Richard and meaning powerful or brave, the Richard surname is Germanic in origin, composed of the elements ric, meaning power and hard, meaning hardy or brave. Richard is the 6th most common last name in France. Surname Origin: French Alternate Surname Spellings: RICHERD, RICKARD, RICARD, RICKARD, RICHARDS, RITCHARD, RICHARDSON, RICHARDSSON, RICQUART, RIJKAARD, RICKAERT, RYCKEWAERT Famous People with the Surname RICHARD Maurice Richard - Canadian ice hockey star; first NHL player to reach 50 goals in a seasonCliff Richard - British film actor and singer; dubbed the British Elvis PresleyAchille Richard - French botanist and physicianÉdouard Richard - Canadian historian and politicianÉtienne Richard - French composer and harpsichordistFleury Franà §ois Richard - French painterJules Richard - French mathematician who stated Richards paradoxPaul Richard - Mayor of New York, 1735–1739 Where is the RICHARDSurname Most Common? According to surname distribution from Forebears, the Richard surname today is interestingly found in the greatest numbers in Tanzania, where more than 90,000 people bear the surname. It is also extremely common in France, ranking as the 9th most common last name in the country, and Canada, where it ranks 58th. Richard is the 511th most common surname in the United States. Surname maps from WorldNames PublicProfiler indicate the Richard surname is by far the most common in areas with at least a partial French-speaking population, including New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in Canada, Louisiana in the United States, and the regions of Pays-de-la-Loire, Nouvelle-Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes), Lorraine, Bourgogne-Franche-Comtà © (formerly Franche-Comtà ©), Centre, Bretagne and Champagne-Ardenne in France. Genealogy Resources for the Surname RICHARD French Surname Meanings and OriginsDoes your last name have origins in France? Learn about the various origins of French surnames and explore the meanings of some of the most common French last names. How to Research French AncestryLearn about the various types of genealogical records available for researching ancestors in France and how to access them, plus how to locate where in France your ancestors originated. Richard Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Richard family crest or coat of arms for the Richard surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. RICHARD Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Richard surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Richard query. FamilySearch - RICHARD GenealogyExplore over 12 million results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Richard surname and variations on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. DistantCousin.com - RICHARD Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Richard. GeneaNet - Richard RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Richard surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Richard Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Richard surname from the website of Genealogy Today. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back toGlossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Thursday, November 21, 2019
ECMT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ECMT - Assignment Example From table 1 we find that the computed t-statistic is 0.275, and the p-value is 0.78. Recall that the critical t-value at the 5% level is 1.96. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, we fail to reject that the coefficient of D2 is statistically significantly not different from zero. Yes, there is evidence to support that inclusion of central air conditioning leads to higher prices. This is evident from the fact that the estimated coefficient on the variable â€Å"central air†is positive and significant. The dummy variables for coastal proximity are D1 and D2. If the coefficients of these turn out to be significantly different from zero, we can conclude that coastal proximity does indeed lead to differences in prices. We have already tested for significance of the coefficient on D2 in part (e). Using the same methodology of a t-test of = 0 against the alternative of 0, we find that the calculated t-value is 1.714 which is significant only at the 10% level but not at the 5% level (p-value = 0.09). Thus we conclude the coefficient is statistically insignificant as well at the 5% level. Thus, since neither coefficient turns out to be significant, we conclude that we do not have any evidence to suggest that proximity to coast makes any differences to the prices with 95% or higher
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Balance of Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Balance of Power - Essay Example To maintain the framework of power of balance from time to time force can be used in the areas support of the law. That may mean that it is used in maintain of the civil power or it may mean that it is used to set up an environment in which the rule of law becomes promising .The use of force is not good except it is in support of some concept of order. To give justification for hostility we be grateful to pray to the strength of the international system," the sacred soil of the homeland, the significant fortune of the country, the rule of international law, the magnetism of making the world safe for democracy, civilization, socialism or something similar" (A. Wendt, Summer 1995, pp. 77-81). International law is the exacting shape of order we have adopted to enable us to run a global economy; however Force is what recognized that order. Force perhaps lawful or illegal; it possibly intelligent or stupid; it may be in the benefit of the international community or not; however questions in relation to whether it is legal or not seem - at this phase of world olden times at least - simply dull. During domestic interaction individual does not inquire if an establishment is officially permitted or not. Balance of power can be defined as a structure to keep up a position quo wherever no alter in the presented supremacy system is made-up to occur. The perception of balance of power does not rule out the make use of menace or confrontation. It is primarily a system of manage and preventing transform to occur through maintenance aggressors in check.'Power is the ability to exercise influence and the ability to prevent influence from being exercised over oneself.' (Singer, 1972:54) We be alive in a world which is even more defenseless. Primary, it is weak for the reason that it is unlock along with since cross-border deal, journey as well as communication has not at all been easier. Subsequent, it is helpless as, in the midst of the international partition of labor in an always additional aggressive global economy, we function on progressively more very well limits of fault. It requires a great deal fewer responsibility sober financial harm to today's world than was the case thirty years before. "11 September together made understandable how a good deal injure a small faction might do to our humanity, and at the identical point in time provided a influential illustration with the intention of control the thoughts of the disaffected on behalf of decades toward approach. Nowadays, still, the potential of assault on an highly developed civilization all the way through substance, organic otherwise electronic resources are more and more accessible to persons or smal l groups. In a neither unlock civilization, neither the acquaintance nor the materiel compulsory to be able to reserved barely in the hands of Local administration. 11 September has revealed us what theses small groups are capable of be done lacking with a few of the function-built technologies of mass demolition; in the coming days demolition might be even further demoralizing. We are blessed to facilitate the instances of the two imminent together are so far relatively limited. " (J. Gilson, 'New interregionalism The EU and East Asia', European Integration, vol. 27, no. 3, September 2005, pp. 307-26) Factor affecting Balance of power From the time when unlike financial expansion charge apparently
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Poor Conditions At Military Hospitals Essay Example for Free
Poor Conditions At Military Hospitals Essay Soldiers are the real heroes of each country. They fought for the country and for there fellowmen. For the past years, soldiers have been able to provide the assistance that the people need and provided help through the years. The military and army helped in acquiring peace and prosperity amongst all. However, some were not given benefits that will help soldiers and those who are in militaries. One of the assistance that these heroes need is medical assistance. Soldiers in the same way that they help people should also have assistance especially on medical aspects. As they help other people, they are also in need of help.            The government promotes various programs or medical programs. There are medical assistance, housing or free service on hospitals and any other establishments. In United States, there are many government hospitals for soldiers, for there families and for those who have retired from the service. These hospitals provide help for the soldiers of our present and for the soldiers of the past. Such services are for healthcare and other forms of medical assistance. These hospitals provide whatever their patients need however; there are scarcity in providing good facilities and good services.            One of the military hospitals in the US is the Walter Reed Army Hospital or the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. According to their mission â€Å"they provide care to past, present, and future warriors and to all those entrusted to their care†however the WRAMC is in trouble now because of some scandals brought about by the soldiers who were neglected by the hospital and were disappointed by the service of the said services. According to an article by Dana Priest and Anne Hull of Washington Post Staff Writers, one of the soldiers who were evacuated to WRAMC from Iraq was neglected by the service of the hospital. As described in the article, â€Å"some part of the Room’s wall was torn and weighted down with black mole, the entire building smells like greasy carry-out, mouse and cockroaches are around, and cheap and stained carpets are also present.†These factors mentioned are the problems that a wounded army encountered during his stay in the hospital that supposed to help him recover from his wounds and provide good service from the hospital. The government promised to do some actions for the cases but still the victims are not yet satisfied from all the promises.            The WRAMC should provide what the patients need. In the same way that the government should support to help for the rehabilitation of the hospital and to also, provide the necessary facilities as to improve their service for the betterment and benefit of the soldiers. The people who are responsible for all these things should settle these issues and action should be done. The soldiers deserve to be treated well after risking their lives in wars and they deserve assistance coming from the government and from the local people who are in charge of them. They have done their jobs in sacrificing their own lives for the sake of their fellowmen and after the injuries that they got from the battle, they deserve to be treated well in a place where they can recover easily and rest as to manage to get back in shape for work.            Such problems like this should have appropriate solution because it is frustrating to see helpless soldiers are wounded and neglected by the people who are responsible for them. There are many problems that the country is facing but there should also be ample time to settle the problems such like the assistance that the soldiers needed. In this way, there will be a harmonious relationship between the soldiers and to the administration of the hospital and to the government as well. Works Cited Priest, Dana., Hull, Anne. â€Å"Soldiers Face Neglect Frustration at Armys Top Medical Facility.†           Washingtonpost.com. 18 February 2007. The Washington Post. 12 December 2007            http://www.washingtonpost.com. â€Å"Army fires commander of Walter Reed hospital.†1 March 2007. 12 December 2007            http://www.cnn.com/2007/. â€Å"Walter Reed Army Medical Center.†13 September 2006. National Institutes of Health. 12 December 2007 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Women in Afghanistan Essay -- Taliban, Turmoil, Famine, Drought
Throughout recent history, Afghanistan has been a country in turmoil. Famine, drought, civil war and Taliban rule have all had a significant impact on the Afghani people. While this has taken a very negative toll on all Afghan people, I believe, that none have been more negatively impacted than the women of Afghanistan. Having said that, not everything the Western world deems as a negative is also considered negative by the women and men of Afghanistan. One only has to read this quote, â€Å"Wearing the burqua is not mandatory, but few women are rushing to remove them†(Germani 14). While the Taliban and al-Qaida’s rule had a great negative impact from 1996-2001 and obviously oppressive to all Afghani women. They were not the sole source of oppression felt by the Afghan females as stated in this quote, â€Å"The roots of patriarchal oppression go deep in Afghan society - far deeper than the Taliban or al-Qaida.†(Rostami-Povey, E. 2007) As shown in the movie, Enemies of Happiness ( ) Afghan women are still suffering from planned and child bride marriages. Even though marriages of females below the age of 16 are outlawed by the constitution, this movie clearly shows that this continues to happen. As well does the reading from the introduction of Afghan Women in this quote â€Å"Afghan authorities do not investigate women’s complaints†(Rostami-Povey 2). More proof comes from the Ms Magazine article Stones can’t Stop Them, when in April of 2009 the President of Afghanistan signed the Shia Personal Status Law, that included, recognizing child marriages (Tang 21). And although this law was later withdrawn, it shows that oppressive thinking that is still going on in the Afghanistan culture today. Education is another way in which Afghan wo... ... and I saw the civil war; I saw everything damaged and destroyed,†she says, â€Å"This thought was always in my head: ‘I have to be in construction; I have to help conditions here†(Lemmon 35). Afghani women are indeed making a difference; they are also doing it on their own terms. Women of Afghanistan have endured many hardships and unfathomable oppression. A country plagued by war and continued rule by an inhumane rà ©gime or other unwelcome forms of governance. Despite all this, the women of Afghanistan have shown a tremendous resilience and human spirit that shows that women of the world, no matter how badly subjugated, will continue to strive for what they believe in. They are a true testimony to all women and one that I feel shows that the true spirit of mankind may inherently come from the female of the species and not from the much celebrated male! Women in Afghanistan Essay -- Taliban, Turmoil, Famine, Drought Throughout recent history, Afghanistan has been a country in turmoil. Famine, drought, civil war and Taliban rule have all had a significant impact on the Afghani people. While this has taken a very negative toll on all Afghan people, I believe, that none have been more negatively impacted than the women of Afghanistan. Having said that, not everything the Western world deems as a negative is also considered negative by the women and men of Afghanistan. One only has to read this quote, â€Å"Wearing the burqua is not mandatory, but few women are rushing to remove them†(Germani 14). While the Taliban and al-Qaida’s rule had a great negative impact from 1996-2001 and obviously oppressive to all Afghani women. They were not the sole source of oppression felt by the Afghan females as stated in this quote, â€Å"The roots of patriarchal oppression go deep in Afghan society - far deeper than the Taliban or al-Qaida.†(Rostami-Povey, E. 2007) As shown in the movie, Enemies of Happiness ( ) Afghan women are still suffering from planned and child bride marriages. Even though marriages of females below the age of 16 are outlawed by the constitution, this movie clearly shows that this continues to happen. As well does the reading from the introduction of Afghan Women in this quote â€Å"Afghan authorities do not investigate women’s complaints†(Rostami-Povey 2). More proof comes from the Ms Magazine article Stones can’t Stop Them, when in April of 2009 the President of Afghanistan signed the Shia Personal Status Law, that included, recognizing child marriages (Tang 21). And although this law was later withdrawn, it shows that oppressive thinking that is still going on in the Afghanistan culture today. Education is another way in which Afghan wo... ... and I saw the civil war; I saw everything damaged and destroyed,†she says, â€Å"This thought was always in my head: ‘I have to be in construction; I have to help conditions here†(Lemmon 35). Afghani women are indeed making a difference; they are also doing it on their own terms. Women of Afghanistan have endured many hardships and unfathomable oppression. A country plagued by war and continued rule by an inhumane rà ©gime or other unwelcome forms of governance. Despite all this, the women of Afghanistan have shown a tremendous resilience and human spirit that shows that women of the world, no matter how badly subjugated, will continue to strive for what they believe in. They are a true testimony to all women and one that I feel shows that the true spirit of mankind may inherently come from the female of the species and not from the much celebrated male!
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
17th Century Art, Light vs. Dark Essay
The use of light and dark in 17th Century art captures your eye, and you wish to include this important Baroque element in your book. Look at the portraits in the text and pick two painters and compare how they use brilliant light and dark shading to illuminate parts of the human body. I will use two different artists Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Battle of the nudes. Along with, Michelangelo. Pieta from Old Saint Peter’s. 17th Century Art, light vs. dark I will take a look at Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Battle of the nudes from the c. 1465-1470 The engraving is in my hometown of Cincinnati Art Museum, in Ohio. This shows men at war fighting and killing one another everyone is in the nude. The five men wearing headbands and five men without, fighting in pairs with weapons in front of some woods. To me it looks like the ones that have on the bands are on one team and the other’s are together. The designer and engraver, sculptor was a trained goldsmith and bronze sculptor. answers. com) I like this one because its art you can feel. Michelangelo. Pieta from Old Saint Peter’s, laying across the Virgin Mary. With the dead Christ in her arms, with the body of an average-sized man. Cardinal Jean Bilheres de Lagraulas’ due to his death, he was not able to see the completion of. The inventive triangular composition conveys grandeur. Mary is seated upon the Rock of Golgotha, which had supported Christ on the cross. She is extensively draped in clothing and her body is large. He’s body looks like its falling off of the lap of Mary. Instead of Christ’s body showing deformation from hanging on the cross. On this statue hands are very expressive, with her right hand holding and cradling Christ, while her left hand is extended. One of the most famous works of art, the Pieta was probably finished before Michelangelo was 25 years old.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Kiss of Death
It began with the porch steps. Or maybe it began with the laziness of the man living in the house to which these steps led. Either way both are very important for this story. The Higgs couple lived in a small house in a quiet neighbourhood by the road. It may have seemed at first sight that Mr. And Mrs. Higgs got on well as a couple. However the truth was very different. Mr. Higgs was a jealous man. Mrs. Higgs was a hospital nurse and often had to work over night. This meant the two of them never got to see much of each other. Mrs. Higgs came home in the morning at about the time when Mr. Higgs left for work. It was the same in the evenings, Mrs Higgs leaving the house for work only to meet her husband coming in. Not knowing for sure where his wife was over night Mr. Higgs often got very suspicious of his wife having an affair. It was a Tuesday morning Mr. Higgs, alone in the house, looking out the window at the snowed-in drive, thinking what his wife might be doing right now. Paranoid thoughts were once again chasing through his head. But a plan was already taking shape in his mind. He would come home from work earlier than usual today and see whether his wife had someone in the house. If yes he certainly wouldn't hesitate to punish her. Pondering on a suitable punishment he turned to other things that needed to be done that morning. Apart from the usual, he had to clear the porch, the steps leading up to the porch and the walkway of snow. This was a chore Mr. Higgs despised. He hated having to trudge up and down in the snow, wielding his shovel while more and more fresh snow fell. Mr. Higgs hated winter and anything that went with it. He decided not to shovel the snow that morning. Mr. Higgs left the house at about quarter to eight. He locked the door and carefully walked across the porch and down the three steps. They did seem to be a little slippery and Mr. Higgs once again considered clearing them of that wretched snow. No, it could wait besides he would be late for work. He walked over to the gate, got in his car and drove off to work. Mrs. Higgs came home at half past eight. She took a shower, made herself some breakfast and then sat down into an armchair with a book. She wasn't expecting anyone. She knew about Mr. Higgs's suspicions but they were all false. She wouldn't be surprised if he came marching in at that very moment demanding where she hid her secret lover and then went on a rampage around the house searching closets, and wardrobes. She smiled to herself at the thought of that happening. Her smile didn't last long. At that moment a loud thump came from outside. Henry the postman opened the Higgs's gate. The Higgs couple didn't have a mailbox hanging on the gate. Instead they chose to place directly on the main door. Probably so they wouldn't have to walk that far when retrieving their mail. Lazy. He went through the gate and strode across the garden toward the Higgss' door. â€Å"Couldn't even take care of the snow, people these days†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This was probably one of Henry's last thoughts because as he was about to take the third step up the small stairs leading to the porch his foot slipped and Henry the postman fell to the ground, hitting his head on the porch steps with a loud thump. Mrs. Higgs sat there, waiting for her husband to come bursting through the door. When the door remained closed she walked forward and threw it open only to find not her husband but the local postman sprawled on the porch steps. Luckily for Henry Mrs. Higgs was a nurse and knew exactly what to do in such a situation. She crouched down next to him and reached out looking for a pulse. There it was, slow but steady. Henry the postman was still alive. His breathing seemed to be weak and irregular. She would have to resuscitate It was about at this moment that Mr. Higgs's car came to a halt in front of the house. Unfortunately Mrs. Higgs didn't notice instead she leaned over Henry's body, her lips touched his and as she exhaled air was pushed into his lungs. By this time Mr. Higgs had gotten out of his car and all his attention was on his wife kissing the local postman that was laying there on the porch. Mr. Higgs opened the gate, stepped through and closed it forcefully behind him. The clash of the gate made Mrs. Higgs look up. She immediately realized what she is doing must look like. She stood up and took a few steps down the stairs and into the garden toward her husband. Behind her Henry was waking, lifting his head, dazed. â€Å"I know what this must look like Paul, but it's nothing like that†Mrs. Higgs stuttered. â€Å"He slipped and fell. I was giving him the kiss of life.†Mr. Higgs stood there staring into her eyes â€Å"It might have been the kiss of life for him but it's the kiss of death for you.†It was the way he said it, a slow deliberate growl that made Mrs. Higgs react the way she did. Turning back toward the house she ran. Mr. Higgs didn't say anything to warn or stop her. He knew she wouldn't get far. Mrs. Higgs running back to the house forgot all about how slippery the porch steps were. She was almost on the third step when her foot shot from under her. Mr. Higgs watched as if in slow motion as Mrs Higgs turned in the air and fell, hitting her head on the bottom stair. There was a sickening crunch and then silence. It ended as it began, with the porch steps.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on In Edgar Allan Poe
In Edgar Allan Poe’s poems he writes about death and darkness. Throughout his poems, â€Å"The Raven†and â€Å"The Bells†, Poe writes of death, darkness, and evil. Many say he writes about this because of his childhood problems. (Slovey p. 15) As you continue to read, it will show how others feel about his writings and his desire to write about death. In Edgar Allen Poe’s poem, The Bells, Poe tells how bells can play a part throughout death and this causes readers to dislike the poem but it also has a positive effect on readers when Poe tells of bells being used as symbols of love. For example, some feel that Poe’s desire for death makes the poem less interesting. W.M. Auden tells how the Bells was less interesting but was more successful because the subject is nothing but an excuse for onomatopoeic efforts. Also, some feel that Poe writes about death and darkness because of his drinking problems he had. (Slovey p. 22) Anthony Caputi feels that thi s poem marks the high tide of Poe’s ineffectuality and also bears testimony to his immense gift for poetic conception and thereby confronts us with the peculiar problem of Poe. (Poetry Criticism). In addition, some feel this poem has a sense of good and beauty to it. Floyd Stovall writes how Poe defined poetry as music combined with a pleasurable idea and the poets truth is an excitement of the soul and it is the product of the contemplation of beauty. So in Poe’s poem, The Bells, he writes of death and evil but also of good and love that leaves a positive and a negative effect on readers. In Edgar Allen Poe’s ,The Raven, Poe uses a sense of darkness and evil throughout the poem by using the black bird as a symbol of evil. Some readers cannot understand how this poem has became so popular considering the evil that was used throughout the poem. Allen Tate says he can add very little to criticism of The Raven written in many passages that are wonders how it can be a great poem and how... Free Essays on In Edgar Allan Poe Free Essays on In Edgar Allan Poe In Edgar Allan Poe’s poems he writes about death and darkness. Throughout his poems, â€Å"The Raven†and â€Å"The Bells†, Poe writes of death, darkness, and evil. Many say he writes about this because of his childhood problems. (Slovey p. 15) As you continue to read, it will show how others feel about his writings and his desire to write about death. In Edgar Allen Poe’s poem, The Bells, Poe tells how bells can play a part throughout death and this causes readers to dislike the poem but it also has a positive effect on readers when Poe tells of bells being used as symbols of love. For example, some feel that Poe’s desire for death makes the poem less interesting. W.M. Auden tells how the Bells was less interesting but was more successful because the subject is nothing but an excuse for onomatopoeic efforts. Also, some feel that Poe writes about death and darkness because of his drinking problems he had. (Slovey p. 22) Anthony Caputi feels that thi s poem marks the high tide of Poe’s ineffectuality and also bears testimony to his immense gift for poetic conception and thereby confronts us with the peculiar problem of Poe. (Poetry Criticism). In addition, some feel this poem has a sense of good and beauty to it. Floyd Stovall writes how Poe defined poetry as music combined with a pleasurable idea and the poets truth is an excitement of the soul and it is the product of the contemplation of beauty. So in Poe’s poem, The Bells, he writes of death and evil but also of good and love that leaves a positive and a negative effect on readers. In Edgar Allen Poe’s ,The Raven, Poe uses a sense of darkness and evil throughout the poem by using the black bird as a symbol of evil. Some readers cannot understand how this poem has became so popular considering the evil that was used throughout the poem. Allen Tate says he can add very little to criticism of The Raven written in many passages that are wonders how it can be a great poem and how...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Examples of Carbohydrates
10 Examples of Carbohydrates Most of the organic molecules you encounter are carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are sugars and starches. They are used to provide energy and structure to organisms. Carbohydrate molecules have the formula Cm(H2O)n, where m and n are integers (e.g., 1, 2, 3). Examples of Carbohydrates glucose (monosaccharide)fructose (monosaccharide)galactose (monosaccharide)sucrose (disaccharide)lactose (disaccharide)cellulose (polysaccharide)chitin (polysaccharide)starchxylosemaltose Sources of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates in foods include all sugars (sucrose or table sugar, glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose) and starches (found in pasta, bread, grains). These carbohydrates can be digested by the body and provide an energy source for cells. There are other carbohydrates that the human body doesnt digest, including insoluble fiber and cellulose from plants and chitin from insects and other arthropods. Unlike sugars and starches, these types of carbohydrates dont contribute calories to the human diet. Learn More More About Carbohydrates
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Stafford Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stafford Act - Essay Example However, despite the act having very clear stipulations on the process of emergency declaration, types of assistance on disaster available and means of dispatching and coordinating the assistance, critics have pointed out over a number of weaknesses of the Act as it is. The shortcomings pointed out over the act therefore necessitate a thorough reform on the Stafford Act in order to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness is guaranteed. Thesis statement: A complete reformation of the Act is not only important but also argent as the Stafford Act lacks flexibility and is slow to provide cash quickly in the event of disaster which is declared an emergency. Major shortcomings of the Act as it is are observed right from the procedures that are to be followed in declaration of an emergency as a disaster by the governor and the president to the ultimate response through financial and physical support as deemed necessary. The main weakness observed by this paper is on the lack of flexibility and quick response as is caused by lots of bureaucracy while establishing the magnitude of the effect of the disaster by the local authorities and having the governor request for assistance from the president through writing which must also pass through such offices as the office of regional director. In spite of the fact that procedures of intergovernmental coordination are highly bureaucratic, the act fails to acknowledge that in the event of an emergency, prompt response is critical and as such establishes less bureaucratic procedure through which state governments should involve the federal government n prompt response to emergencies resultant from a disaster. Much of time is spent while a governor evaluates and estimates the magnitude of the effect of a disaster in terms of costs to be incurred in mitigating the effects, evaluating the localized impacts, evaluating coverage by insurance policies in place, processes of hazard mitigation as well as
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